| 姓名:刘杰 |
一级岗教授,博导 | |
办公室:碳纤维楼204 | |
办公电话:010-64438724 | |
E-mail:liuj@mail.buct.edu.cn | |
课题组网站:http://www.cmse.buct.edu.cn /kyyjy/kxyj/kytd/txwyjs/index.htm
1. 新型高性能碳纤维:电纺PAN纤维制取高性能纳米、亚微米碳纤维形成机制与制备
2. 新型生物与环境材料:碳纤维生物膜理论研究及其在高效生化反应与环境治理应用研究
3. 高性能碳纤维应用基础:改善结构与提高碳纤维性能关联的理论与技术途径研究
4. 碳纤维复合材料与装备:热塑、熱固复合材料,碳纤维闭环张力等关键技术研究
5. 改性及功能化纤维:活性吸附、导电、抗静电、耐燃等功能纤维与碳纤维制备技术
1999.07-至今 北京化工大学、一级岗教授、博导
1986.07-1990.12 安徽大学、讲师
代表论文(不多于15篇,请综合考虑论文的代表性和发表时间,至少更新至2017年,尽量更新至2018年,甚至2019年的新论文; 论文按照由近及远或代表性排序,按照全作者、论文题目、期刊名、年份、期、页码):
1. Liu Jie*, Lizhen He , Sai Ma , Jieying Liang , Yong Zhao , Hao Fong**. Effects of chemical composition and post-spinning stretching process on the morphological, structural, and thermo-chemical properties of electrospun polyacrylonitrile copolymer precursor nanofibers. Polymer 2015, 61,20-28
2. Liu Jie*, Liu Qiong, Ma Sai, Liang Jieying, Ma Xiaojing, Hao Fong**. Continuous bundles of aligned electrospun polyacrylonitrile copolymer nanofibers prepared via the flowing water bath and their morphological, structural, and componential variations during the opposite-directional diffusion process. Polymer 2013, 54 (18): 4987-4996.
3. Liu Jie∗, Chen, Gui, Gao, Hui, Zhang, Lifeng, Ma, Sai, Liang, Jieying, Fong, Hao. Structure and thermo-chemical properties of continuous bundles of aligned and stretched electrospun polyacrylonitrile precursor nanofibers collected in a flowing water bath, Carbon 2012, 50(3), 1262-1270.
4. Liu Jie∗, Yuli Tian, Yujia Chen, Jieying Liang. Interfacial and mechanical properties of carbon fibers modified by electrochemical oxidation in (NH4HCO3)/(NH4)2C2O4•H2O aqueous compound solution. Applied Surface Science 2010,256, 6199–6204
5. Liu Jie∗.; Zhou, P.; Zhang, L.; Ma, Z.; Fong, H. Thermo-chemical reactions occurring during the oxidative stabilization of electrospun polyacrylonitrile precursor nanofibers and the resulting structural conversions. Carbon 2009, 47(4), 1087-1095.
6. Liu Jie∗, Lian F, Ma ZK, Liang JY. Effects of deformation-induced orientation on cyclization and oxidation of polyacrylonitrile fibers during stabilization process. Chin J Polym Sci 2012;30(6):786-95
7. Liu Jie*, Yuli Tian, Yujia Chen, Jieying Liang, Lifeng Zhang, and Hao Fong. Surface Treatment Technique of Electrochemical Oxidation to Simultaneously Improve the Interfacial Bonding Strength and the Tensile Strength of PAN-Based Carbon Fibers, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2010. 122(2-3), 548-555,
8. Liu Jie∗; Yue, Z.; Fong, H∗. Continuous Nanoscale Carbon Fibers with Superior Mechanical Strength. Small 2009, 5(5), 536-542.
9. Lian, Feng, Liu, Jie∗, Ma, Zhaokun, Liang, Jieying. Stretching-induced deformation of polyacrylonitrile chains both in quasicrystals and in amorphous regions during the in situ thermal modification of fibers prior to oxidative stabilization, Carbon 2012, 50(2), 488-499.
10. Liu Jie, ZHANG Wang-xi . Structural changes during the thermal stabilization of modified and original polyacrylonitrile precursors. Journal of applied polymer science. 2005,97(5),2047-2053
1)刘 杰. 生物碳纤维及其制备方法.中.发明专利授权号: CN-01123491.1,2003.
2)刘 杰. 王培华. 高应变高强碳纤维及其制备方法. 中.发明专利授权号: CN-99116758.9,2000.
1. 主持国家自然科学基金面上项目5项
2. 主持国家重点自然科学基金1项
3. 主持863重大专向课题1项、863探索课题1项、973项目1项
4. 主持碳纤维国家五年科技重点攻关子项目研究3项
5. 主持国家发改委产业化示范工程项目1项
6. 主持北京市自然科学基金2项
7. 主持中国石化科技开发项目10余项
国家科学技术奖励评审专家、北京新材料技术协会会长、中国复合材料学会增强体专委会副主任、 国防科工委武器装备科研生产许可证审查军品配套专家组专家、科技部863计划项目评审专家、教育部科学技术成果奖励评审专家、国家自然科学基金科技函评专家、中华环保联合会能源环境专业委员会常务理事、中国科学院信息中心专家、北京市科学技术奖励评审委员、国家碳纤维工程与技术研究中心碳纤维工程与技术研究室主任。《Carbon》、《Journal of Applied Polymer Science》、《Journal of Materials Science Letters》等国际学术期刊审稿人。
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